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New Release | Estimated Read time – 1:30

We’ve streamlined the Photo Gallery invite process to take the notification and follow-up work off of your plate. 

Our new automated process ensures collaborators are notified when they’ve been invited to collaborate on a Photo Gallery, and provides you with real-time status updates on your sent invitations. 

Automated email notifications

Our updated invitation tool makes the work of communicating with collaborators easy! Gallery collaborators will now receive an email once they’ve been invited by the Gallery owner. 

If your collaborator…

…is new to Race Roster

If it’s a collaborator’s first time on Race Roster, the invite will prompt them to create an account with us.

…has an existing Race Roster account

Your collaborator will be asked to sign-in, and if already signed in, be taken to their Photo Gallery page where they can easily view, and accept any pending invitations.

Fast, efficient acceptance process

If a Photo Gallery owner works with the same collaborators across several events, collaborators will have the option to quickly accept invitations by bulk-accepting them in the photos app, when logged into Race Roster. 

Real-time status updates

While we generally like to encourage social interaction, checking-in on whether your collaborator has seen your photo gallery is one manual follow-up we don’t think you’ll miss! We’ve created one spot for you to see the status of all your Photo Gallery collaboration invitations, so you no longer need to check-in with each collaborator.

You can check the current status of any sent collaboration invitations from your Photo Gallery to verify who you’ve already invited to collaborate with, and see who has accepted or declined sent invitations. 

Get collaborating!

Experience our streamlined Photo Gallery collaboration invitation process by creating a photo gallery and entering the individual’s email address you’d like to share with in the collaboration step.

Need help getting started? Our knowledge base article takes you through the steps of creating and sharing your photo gallery, and our customer support team is here to help!

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Visit our what’s new page for the most noteworthy Race Roster updates!


Race Roster

At our core, we are event organizers and athletes serving event organizers and athletes. Race Roster was founded by a group of friends with combined interests in running, technology, and event management. After organizing their own 10K in 2010, it was very apparent that the running industry was in dire need of better technology. Since May of 2012, Race Roster has partnered with over 4,000 organizers to grow, manage and execute on race day!