#1 Question to Ask on your Registration Form

Drumroll please…..
Marketing is expensive and if you’re not paying attention you could be throwing money down the drain.
Talk to any marketing specialist and they will tell you the most important thing is keeping track of what’s working and what’s not.
The easiest way to do this is to add an additional question on your registration form. Be sure to make it mandatory! Some race directors will provide a drop down menu featuring all the ways you may have heard about the event (ie. facebook, a friend, local paper etc.), while others choose to set the response type as “fill in the blank”.

The latter gives the registrant the freedom to be more specific (ie. “Johnny BeFast” posted it on his facebook page). If you notice this as a common response perhaps you give Johnny a free entry to next year’s event as a thank you for referring his friends.
Better yet, turn on Race Roster’s Affiliate Marketing tools and give Johnny cold hard cash for his referrals. Learn more!
A couple examples of ineffective and effective marketing via Radio…
Stop advertising your event on 95.2FM just because they give you 50% off their advertising package, your target market doesn’t listen to that station anymore, in fact nobody does.
On a more positive note…
Increase your advertising package on 101.3FM because 25% of last year’s registrants said they heard about the event via 101.3FM and they’re advertising rate package indicated that their average listener fits your target market.
Read this: 9 Amazing Ways to Market Your Event