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Our latest waiver tool enhancements grant you even more flexibility when it comes to collecting signatures. With our previous release, you could collect waiver signatures from participants registered by someone else. Now, you are able to collect waiver signatures from any participant!

Collect signatures from manually added participants

From time to time, you may need to manually add a single participant to your list of registrants. You are able to manually add them through your participant dashboard, however, this results in skipping the waiver signing process. To ensure your waiver is signed by every participant, an alert will be prominently displayed on the dashboard of participants with unsigned waivers.

If your event is in-person, participants who have not signed their waiver will be flagged on the check-in app, giving you the opportunity to have participants sign their waiver at packet pick-up.

Collect signatures from bulk uploaded participants

You may have a number of participants that registered offline and need to be added manually. To save time, you can upload them all at once using our bulk uploading tool. If these participants have not yet signed a waiver, they will also be alerted on their participant dashboard.

Collect signatures from current participants for newly added waivers

If you have opened registration and already have accepted a number of registrations, suddenly needing to add a new waiver might seem like a challenge! Luckily, we have added the ability to collect signatures from anyone that is registered for your event. Once the new waiver has been added, those who are already registered will be alerted on their participant dashboard.


If you have any questions, we’re here to help! Feel free to contact us at


Race Roster

At our core, we are event organizers and athletes serving event organizers and athletes. Race Roster was founded by a group of friends with combined interests in running, technology, and event management. After organizing their own 10K in 2010, it was very apparent that the running industry was in dire need of better technology. Since May of 2012, Race Roster has partnered with over 4,000 organizers to grow, manage and execute on race day!