Making Strides: October’s New Features

We’re excited to update our community on recent product updates. This curated list will help you better manage your event registration and provide early notice for new features. If you think something here might work for you but you’d prefer to speak to a person, contact with your request.
Access Codes

Access codes gives participants access to sign up for an event or sub event that is password protected, already closed or sold out. Common use cases include granting access to a military-specific sub-event or an elite-athlete category. Directors can also choose to generate unique access “links” that allow participants to avoid entering an access code altogether as their unique link serves as their access code.
Gifting 2.0

Gifting has been one of our most popular features with participants and event organizers. It’s the best tool for team-focused and corporate challenges where a manager is rallying the troops with discounted entries. At the request of some of our more “corporate-focused” events we’ve taken his tool to the next level!
Subsidized Gift Registrations
A participant or employer can now purchase a discounted registration for their friend or employee. Some companies want to cover 30 or 50% of the cost rather than 100% as was previously required.
One Gifting Code w/ Multiple Uses
Gift purchasers can now choose whether each code is unique or whether they’d like the same code to work for multiple people.
Gifting Within Registration
In the past, gifting was a separate transaction within an event page. Now a participant who wants to sign up himself and gift his friend can complete both purchases on one transaction.
Incomplete Registration Emails

Some users begin registering for your event but get distracted or pulled away before they can complete the transaction. Using a pre-prepared email you can now retarget those potential registrants automatically and recapture the sale. If you’re familiar with Campaign functionality on Race Roster, simply create an Incomplete Registration Template email and a Campaign with the appropriate rules before you launch your event and you’re all set. If you need assistance, contact
Custom Buttons & Links on Event Pages

You can now customize your own button under your event logo with a link of your choosing. A great example for using this custom button is adding an FAQ button that links to your website’s FAQ page. This will significantly reduce inquiries you currently receive via phone and email.
Contact to enable this for your event.
Postback Triggers & Merge Tags

Race Roster has expanded our Postback Trigger functionality to include merge tags that allow you to receive registration information from Race Roster directly to the database of your choice. Our merge tags now allow you to identify the specific fields you would like to send. For example, as a running store that puts on races you may want racer information sent to a store database. Select fields like First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone Number so you can get them in the door for your next sidewalk sale.
Results Search & Certificates
We’re continuing to improve the tools we provide to our timers. These important partners help our events run.
Results Certificate Preview & Social Sharing
When you upload your results on Race Roster your participants will have the ability to preview their finisher certificate before downloading or sharing it on social media. We’ve added quick share buttons for Results and Certificates on Facebook, Twitter, Email and Google+.
Timer Search by Registrant’s Name or Event
We’ve built out the search functionality on Timer Widgets that our event partners implement on their websites. When you are looking for your events, you can now quickly search by the event name or a participant’s name.

Description on Additional Questions
When you create additional questions for registrants, you can now add a description with instructions or clarification. We believe strong communication reduces post-registration inquiries and improves the overall user experience.

Coming Soon: New Onsite App
Our team has been busy rebuilding our onsite app from scratch incorporating feedback from thousands of events across North America. We’re currently BETA testing with select events and are excited to bring you a better user experience in the near future.
If you’d like a walkthrough of what can be configured, or want some more insight on the new Onsite App, contact
Resources for Participants and Directors can be found at our KNOWLEDGE BASE
If you have any questions, please contact support at 1-855-969-5515 or email