Making Strides: Spring Edition

We’re excited to return with the spring edition of Making Strides. Below we’ve compiled 5 product highlights from 2017. Check out the new features below and reach out to our Customer Success team if you’d like more information.
New Event Payout Statements

In response to our community of event organizers we updated our event payout statements on March 21. Here are a few highlights:
- Registration revenue is now broken down by sub-event.
- Swag revenue is broken down by item (Quantity & Revenue).
- Refunds are now broken down individually.
- Discounts applied are also broken down.
For a comprehensive visual walkthrough of what changed click here:
Locals VS Tourists – Tourism impact statistics

Tourism impact statistics help you make the case to your economic development organization about the impact of your event. Tourists are those participants who travel more than a certain distance to participate in the event and locals are those that travel less than that distance. This metric is important because it allows event organizers to target different marketing campaigns to each of these segments for accommodation and tourism related promotions, flights, out-of-town driving directions, places to eat, parking, etc.
The Boston Marathon achieves a $181M economic impact each year, what impact does your event bring to your community?
One Click Results with Race Director & Agee Timing

Race Roster has completed their results integration with both ‘Race Director’ and ‘Agee Timing’ scoring software. Once it’s setup, it’s just one click to push results to Race Roster. These integrations place Race Roster into the top tier of the endurance industry for seamless scoring and results with a registration platform. The timer community now has more options, allowing them to work with Race Roster’s growing network of events.
Branding Color Palette & Logo Uploader

Branding setting have changed to allow for faster, more accurate color palette selections based on 3 things: your logo, your banner, or a website URL. Now if you are not familiar with color codes or hex codes, you can brand your page without being a professional designer.
Our team also improved the logo uploader to quickly convert imperfect or uniquely shaped logos to a square shape with auto filled color on the top and bottom. This will save an event organizer’s time when trying to upload their logos.
New User Experience for Waivers

Our waiver process was improved to allow for multiple unique waivers. Each participant must agree to a unique checkbox for every waiver the event has uploaded. Next to each checkbox is a hyperlinked version of the waivers your event has uploaded. This functionality is great for uploading photo waivers in addition to liability waivers and Race Roster’s core technology use waiver.
The Race Roster Team