Tools for Fundraising Success

Enjoy Easy-to-Read Fundraising Metrics
Event organizers and fundraising coordinators can gain insights from easy-to-read donation metrics. They can drill down into active vs inactive fundraisers, average donations, donation sources and much more. For events with multiple fundraising organizations, the director can now filter by organization and grant access accordingly.
Organizers can make strategic decisions without having to crunch numbers on endless spreadsheets and marketing strategies can be adjusted to reflect high or low donation volumes/trends.
Want to know more? Read the knowledge base article

Easily Add & Track Manual Donations
Organizers can better track offline donations made via check or cash. Recent improvements provide greater flexibility when adding donations and editing previous offline donations.
New filters and search parameters allow for more comprehensive and useful reporting when finalizing receipts and/or sending thank you messages.
Want to know more? Read the knowledge base article

Narrow In On Your Fundraiser List
Organizers can easily narrow in on each fundraiser’s activity; significantly improving their ability to retain donors and squeeze a little more love out of each active fundraiser. With a better understanding of who your active fundraisers are and how much each has raised, organizers will know what efforts to double down on and what to forgo.
Easy downloads of this list allow for more effective communications with these generous individuals.