Coming soon | Estimated Read time – 3:55

You may or may not already be familiar with our latest release of ‘Organizations’, giving you a bird’s eye view of your business and participants. This tool is built within the Race Roster platform, granting you deeper insight into your contacts; a single view of your customer, and your overall business performance. Now, even more features are on the way!

Before we dive in, you can get caught up on our currently available ‘Organizations’ feature in this article.

Once you’re up to speed, let’s talk about what’s coming next!

1. Custom reporting

The addition of custom reporting is going to make creating segments and curating a list of contacts easier than ever. Here are just a few things you can accomplish with this tool:

  • Market to past participants: With retention reports, you can create a list of contacts who have previously participated in your organization’s events, but have not yet signed up for your current and upcoming events.
    Bonus: You can narrow in even further on that audience by filtering by sub-events, as well as Gender/Sex, Country, State/Province, City, ZIP/Postal code, Date of birth, and subscription status.
  • Maintain up-to-date reports: You’ll be able to set how often you’d like your report to be updated, so you don’t need to continuously regenerate a report for the most recent information.
  • Segment contact lists: Build customized lists of contacts by selecting filters to segment your audience!
  • Create reports for valuable business insights: A report can be used as an email list, but it doesn’t need to be! You can also generate reports to gather useful data regarding your business, allowing you to see reports that cover every event within your organization if desired.
    • Example 1: See a report containing the number of contacts who identify as female over the age of 35+
    • Example 2: See a report containing contacts that belong to a specific demographic, and reside in a specific state/province and country.

A great way to use this feature:

Imagine you are putting on a new women’s only event for International Women’s Day. You could send an email marketing campaign to anyone who identifies as a woman and has participated in other events put on by your organization within the past 4 years

  • To accomplish this, you could filter by event year starting on 2020 and ending on 2024, as well as gender/sex, and subscription status to ensure you are only sending this communication to those who are subscribed.

Additional ideas:

  • Filter by events & event year to send an email to those who are currently registered for a specific year and /or event
  • Filter by subscription status to simply view a report of contacts who have unsubscribed from your communications.
  • Filter by date of birth to send a customized birthday campaign, celebrating those who have a birthday during a specific month
  • Filter by age to send a communication to those who are 18+
  • Filter by zip/postal code, state/province or city to send a special offer to local participants

2. Webhooks

Skip the manual process of exporting and importing lists into Mailchimp or Zaper. With webhooks, you can simply cast the reports you create on Race Roster into the world wide web and hook onto Mailchimp or Zapier.

On Race Roster, you can capture a lot of useful information to help you connect and strengthen your relationships with your participants. Webhooks make it seamless for you to transfer that data over to a Mailchimp or Zapier, allowing you to have these important details accessible from one place!

3. ‘Organization’ emails

Spread the word with ease! Soon, you’ll be able to send communications to your Organization’s contacts. The custom reports you create will be selectable as email recipients, allowing you to get the right message to the right people.

Here are just a few email ideas:

  • Generate interest in a new event – Put together a custom report containing a list of contacts who have participated in any of your organization’s previous events. They may be interested in a new event you’re organizing, so you could leverage this opportunity to advertise to people who are already familiar and connected with your organization.
  • Market a series – Perhaps you have participants who register for your 5K and 10K events every year, and you’re making a 5K/10K/Half marathon event series, offering a special reward to those who participate in all three.
  • Organization newsletter – Create a newsletter for you organization! What events are coming up? Have you secured any exciting sponsors? Do you have any celebrity guests coming to your event’s this year? This is a great place to let your subscribers know and drive excitement!
  • Encourage retention: Market to participants who registered last year, but haven’t yet this year!

Are you as excited as we are?

You can start using Organizations today to try out the features that are currently available. If you need any help, feel free to book time with Customer Success Representative, Tana.

Not set up for Race Roster ‘Organizations’ or simply have questions?

Before you can try out these great features, you’ll need to get set up. Tana is here to help! She can also answer any questions you have, or help you with anything else related to the ‘Organizations’ feature.
Book time with Tana

Stay tuned for the official release of the exciting features listed in this article!

What’s new at Race Roster?

Visit our what’s new page for the most noteworthy Race Roster updates!


Race Roster

At our core, we are event organizers and athletes serving event organizers and athletes. Race Roster was founded by a group of friends with combined interests in running, technology, and event management. After organizing their own 10K in 2010, it was very apparent that the running industry was in dire need of better technology. Since May of 2012, Race Roster has partnered with over 4,000 organizers to grow, manage and execute on race day!