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Tips & Tricks | Estimated Read time – 2:59

With the fall season around the corner, your Thanksgiving day race planning may be feeling a little more ‘Flying Fall’ than ‘Turkey Trot’. 

Despite the busyness that comes with organizing a Turkey Trot, it’s a special event that’s become a beloved tradition for many families. With a charitable and family first over placing first emphasis, Turkey Trots present a unique opportunity for events to expand their networks.

Make your participant’s donation, registration and onsite experiences easier with Race Roster’s new gratitude worthy tools. We thought what better way to summarize our new features than to show you with one of our favorites: a Digital Engagement Kit (DEK)!

For a high-level look at our related releases and ideas on what to include in your Turkey Trot DEK, click the above image. Or, read on for a deeper look at what we’ve been up to since we last trotted together…

Thankworthy registration updates

Here we’ll be summarizing the latest and greatest updates, with links to read more about the updates important to you: fundraising, registration, bib assignments, onsite, and results.


Capitalize on the philanthropic nature of Thanksgiving at your upcoming Turkey Trots by enabling online donations in your registration flow.  We’ve implemented a number of updates to display and understand your fundraising metrics, but one update our events have been gobbling up enables you to independently re-direct participant donations.


Spoiler alert: we’ve had some pretty exciting registration updates over the past year! We’ve already introduced you to Digital Engagement Kits, but have you met our new tracking links? With our tracking links tool, you can see the impact your digital marketing campaigns are having on registration, fundraising, and event store value!

Within registration itself, add custom messages to your registration flow to provide more detailed information or instruction to help participants with the registration process. We’ve also added the ability for participants to upload  PDF, JPEG and PNG documents in registration and via the participant dashboard. Whether you’re checking vaccines or verifying qualifying times, find this tool by creating a registration question to allow participants to share their documents prior to the event date.

Lastly, recognize your participant’s individuality by providing more gender identification options as well as creating customized awards both virtually and in-person. We’ve done some of the heavy lifting by summarizing our top inclusivity tips using the Race Roster platform.


With Turkey Trots typically being less competitive and more family-oriented events, you may have untimed child or pet races that don’t require bib assignments. With two new updates to our bib assignment tool, you can exclude sub-events from bib assignments, as well as assign two bib ranges to a sub-event to use-up any leftover bibs onsite.


While we love the slower pace of these events, you want your onsite process to do anything but trot. To help, we’ve brainstormed ways to use QR codes onsite to make your onsite flow efficiently.

The second update creates the opportunity to ‘mobile-ize’ your onsite process! Now, check-in participants by scanning a QR code or barcode with a mobile device. This means you can now use phones, tablets, or barcode scanners for a quick and easy check-in experience!


Engage your participants leading up to the event by challenging them to meet different time, distance, elevation and tally-type goals. We’ve integrated with Runkeeper so that applicable activities tracked during the challenge period will be imported to Race Roster automatically.

Check out our other updates:

What’s new at Race Roster?

Visit our what’s new page for the most noteworthy Race Roster updates!


Race Roster

At our core, we are event organizers and athletes serving event organizers and athletes. Race Roster was founded by a group of friends with combined interests in running, technology, and event management. After organizing their own 10K in 2010, it was very apparent that the running industry was in dire need of better technology. Since May of 2012, Race Roster has partnered with over 4,000 organizers to grow, manage and execute on race day!